About Us
Our Mission
We love our country and desire to preserve its cherished institutions, traditions, and values.
We respect our neighbors and constantly seek to promote their well-being. We love and enjoy life and believe this enjoyment is increased by sharing it with family, friends and all with whom we connect.
Our Vision
Our Values
Our Values
The first meeting and the institution of the Lodge took place on April 19,1904 at Mozart House on Main Street and 30 local candidates were initiated. The Lodge rented the property at 907 Jefferson Street and had a social hall on the first and a meeting room on the second floor.
When a special meeting was in the offing either the Mozart House or Doherty’s Hall was used.
The membership in 1904 was In 1910 the home on Thomspon Street was purchased but the meetings were held in Odd Fellows Hall for about 18 years. Extensive renovations were made to the kitchen and first floor of this home. In 1949 a building committee was created to look into the purchase of additional land for the construction of a new building. A.L. Pohland was hired as the architect and the Dill Construction Company as the builder. In December the committee secured the option on the former Anderson Lumber Co. on 135 Main Street.
This remained the home of 907 for about the next decade. After several years of debate, the Trustee empowered the purchasing of 175 acres from U.N. Land Co. known as Holiday Acres. In 1962 the swimming pool opened on the 4 th of July. Many of our older members can remember the Twist & Splash Parties during the upcoming summers.
Over the next several decades the building expanded on two different occasions. In 2016, a vote by the General Membership to tear the existing building down and begin the construction of new building was passed and demolition began.