Tom Mailey Memorial Junior Tournament

9:00am Tee Times

Latrobe Family Legacy Golf Tournament

Youth golfers are invited to play in a FREE tournament!

LATROBE —The Latrobe Elks #907 will host the Tom Mailey Memorial Junior Golf Tournament on Friday, June 14, at 115 Elks Club Road, Latrobe, PA 15650. The free tournament is open to all youth golfers (male and female) 18 and younger. The tournament includes an 18-hole round of golf, range balls, green fees, and a snack after 9 holes. There are three divisions, including the Senior Division (17-18); Junior Division (15-16); and the 14 and under category. The tournament starts at 9:00 a.m.                  Golfers may register for the tournament by calling the Elks Pro Shop at 724.539.1582.

History of the Tournament:

In 1957, Tom Mailey won the Elk’s youth golf tournament, which was then named the Pepsi-Cola Jaycees Junior Golf Tournament. In 1968, the Latrobe Elks and the Latrobe Jaycees established the youth tournament in memory of Tom, renaming it the Tom Mailey Memorial Junior Golf Tournament.

Tom was a 1958 graduate of Greater Latrobe High School and a 1962 graduate of West Point, the United States Military Academy. Tom was enrolled in a nuclear physics graduate program at The Ohio State University when he was tragically killed in an automobile accident in 1964. In the inaugural year (1968) of the Tom Mailey Memorial Junior Golf Tournament, Tom’s younger brother, Patrick Mailey won the Tournament with a score of 68 and still holds the lowest winning score in the history of the Tournament.

Tom’s parents, George and Elizabeth Mailey co-sponsored the tournament until their deaths. Patrick, and his sisters Anne Mailey and Jane Mailey Shine (now deceased) have sponsored the tournament since 1985, keeping their brother’s memory, and their family golf legacy alive. “This tournament means a great deal to me and my family. Honoring our brother is incredibly important. Golf is a great sport, and my brother, sister, and parents also would want this tradition to continue. It’s a joy to see young men and women enjoying this great game,” said Patrick Mailey.


Email: [email protected]  412.586.8586

Latrobe Elks Golf Club – 724-539-1582


Jun 14 2024


9:00 am

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